Monday, 28 April 2008

Somebody's Watching You.....

Durham County Council has been declared Britain's top 'snooping' authority, with the revelation that Council staff used the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa) no less than 144 times in the last 12 months, mainly to spy on businesses in its area.

RIPA was introduced to fight serious crime and help prevent terrorist attacks, but has allowed council officers to spy on people for a range of misdemeanours. The powers allow councils to use “physical surveillance”, giving them legal permission to follow and monitor dog walkers and shopkeepers.

Other Councils in the North East are also near the top of this particular snooping league table.

Critics say there are too many examples of powers designed by Government in response to fears about terrorism being used for matters which they were never intended to cover.

DCC's spying record included surveillance against traders suspected of the possession, distribution and sale of counterfeit goods. A spokesman said: “The authorised surveillance operations were approved in respect of retailers, generally in relation to sales of age restricted products. “All of the above took place for reasons of the prevention or detection of crime.”

You can draw your own conclusions by reading the full story as reported in today's Newcastle Journal:

Thursday, 17 April 2008

"Weak Leader" attacks his own members

by “Lastman”

Durham County Council Labour leader Albert Nugent, criticised by the Audit Commission for his “weak leadership”, has hit out at members of his own party he claims are plotting against him.

The Audit Commission report says there have been “significant weaknesses in the political leadership provided by the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet” and “there is limited visible political leadership in key priority areas such as economic development.” Leading councillors were not consistently “holding officers to account.”

For the full story, see The Journal

Monday, 14 April 2008

"Compulsory woman" candidate suspended

by "Lastman"

One of Labour's "comulsory woman" candidates has been suspended by the party following allegations of benefit fraud.
Crook South candidate Rose Seabury has been suspended by the Labour Party pending an investigation into alleged benefit fraud. Cllr Seabury was imposed as a "compulsory woman" candidate for the Durham County Unitary Council elections on 1st May. As a result, long-serving Labour councillor Eddie Murphy resigned from the party to stand as an Independent in the South ward. He blamed local MP Hilary Armstrong for having "too much influence" over the selection of candidates.
Cllr Seabury's suspension came too late for her to be removed from the ballot paper. Labour Party members in the ward will still be expected to vote for her, in the hope that after the election she will be reinstated. This is the reverse of the situation in Easington, where the whole membership of the local party has been suspended but was still urged by regional party officials to canvass for the elections.
To add another twist, Cllr Murphy is currently chairman of Wear Valley District Council, and Cllr Seabury is vice chairman and would normally expect to become chairman at the council AGM in May.
Click here for the full story

Wednesday, 9 April 2008


Six fined for selling alcohol to youngsters.
Click here for the full story

Shop assistant fined for selling alcohol to tenagers.
Click here for the full story